

srijeda, 29. kolovoza 2007.


Reading that last paragraph, it seems like this FXX is just a one-off test mule for the company. Believe it or not, this car is actually for sale. Actually, 20 of these cars are for sale. But don't think you can walk up to your local Ferrari dealer, checkbook in hand, and expect to drive off with your very own FXX. Only a select few, chosen by Ferrari itself, will be given the opportunity to express interest in buying one of these cars. That's right, you have to be given permission to even think about buying one of these cars. As if we need to say it, the FXX isn't cheap, either. Pricing for the FXX starts at 1.5 million Euros, and that's before tax. If you equate that to U.S. dollars, the asking price for this ultimate Ferrari starts at over 1.8 million dollars. Paying almost two mil for an FXX will bring its owner into the exclusive "Ferrari Test Driver" club. As a part of this club, FXX owners will receive driving instructions from Ferrari's professional race and test drivers. These FXX owners will also be privy to any exclusive track days held by Ferrari. These track days will be held at international-level racetracks, and Ferrari will bring its full technical staff to these events for support. Not only that, Ferrari will also keep the car at its Maranello facility when not in use, and will ship the car to whichever private track events its owner desires. This all sounds good, but as this car isn't homologated for racing use, don't expect to see it in any professional-league racing series anytime soon. Again, these FXXs are "officially" just test cars. Only 20 of these FXXs will be made. If Ferrari hasn't contacted you about this car yet, don't expect to ever drive one. Hell, consider yourself lucky if you even see one in person. If Ferrari has contacted you about one of these magnificent cars, please send some cash our way so that we can pay off our credit card debt. After you revel in your good deed, you can expect the car to ship sometime at the end of this year.

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